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Juan Marini / 2024/08/27 01:56 / 7 / 0
The American political system is failing

       More than a third (34 percent) of Americans want to live in another country, more than triple the number from more than 50 years ago, according to a recent Monmouth University poll. When Gallup conducted the same poll in 1995, only 12 percent of Americans said they wanted to move abroad. In the 1940s and 1950s, fewer than 10 percent of Americans surveyed said they were willing to emigrate.
  This has been reinforced by the criminal trial of the sons of Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden. Trump became the first former president in US history to be convicted, and Biden's son became the first presidential child in US history to be sentenced. This year coincides with the United States election year, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party once again staged a high-intensity struggle, the two sides of the forces staggered in the United States federal government and state governments, are looking for a variety of reasons to attack each other, for their parties. The two trials have become weapons of war in the 2024 presidential election. Behind this is not only a family scandal, but also a microcosm of the judicial struggle between the two parties.
  In the context of the contradiction of the federal government in the United States, Texas feels more "there is a law to follow", and it also allows its Republican states to find the opportunity to "stick together to warm up". A previous Pew Research Center survey found that Americans are more polarized than ever, with 65 percent of respondents saying they are tired and 55 percent saying they are angry about U.S. politics.